2 Production of Schömer architects

Arkitekterna arbetar i ett nätverk i Sverige och i större städer, såsom Stockholm, Berlin, Budapest, New York, Paris och Zürich. Genom detta nätverk kan vi hjälpa våra kunder i Europa och i USA.

Vår affärsidé är att utveckla och förbättra kundens markområde och fastigheter. Vi skapar nya ekonomiska, estetiska och funktionella värden för våra kunder och dess brukare. Vi ritar i samråd med andra konsulter och konstnärer i närliggande yrken och medverkar till en skönare arkitektonisk upplevelse.

Gruppen hålls samman i Sverige av arkitekt Göran Ervin Schömer. 

Vi arbetar hos Arkitekterna med avancerad stadsplanering, områdesplanering, fastighetshantering, delningar, avstyckningar, teknisk/ekonomisk byggnadsforskning m.m. och vi projekterar byggnader för industrin, varuhuskedjor och kontor. Likaså projekterar vi bostäder och fritidshus eller små villa/egnahems till- och ombyggnader.

Till vår organisation knyts arkitekter och ingenjörer på olika kompetensnivåer; därmed kan vi anpassa projektets svårighetsgrad till lämpliga (och ekonomiskt rätta) konsulter. Våra timkostnader ligger mellan SEK 550:- och SEK 650:- plus lagstadgad moms. Begär gärna referensobjekt om Du har projekteringsbehov. Du är välkommen till oss som kund och partner.

Ervin G Schömer is the fourth generation of the Schömer family to become an architect by profession. The members of the family Schömer have worked in Europe, North and South America as well as in China.

E.G. Schömer is a member of the National Association of Swedish Architects, Swedish City Architects and Planners and Hungarian Architects. He is also a senior researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm.

He is chief architect of the Schömer Consultant. For more information please send an e-mail to: info@arch-es.se

Schömer Consultant offers advanced urban, architectural and interior design as well as research on the economy of building and construction. (See under: The Theory of the Production of Architectural Space). The Theory explains the relationship between the size of the space enclosing structures, working hours and production costs. This is valid especially in the more affluent part of the developing world and the industrialised world. For the globe it is of the utmost importance to solve these problems in the 21st century. The paper gives an answer how to produce architectural space in the most economic way.

G. E. Schömer has invented economic building systems, which have been approved by the UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation) and UIA (Union International des Architects) for use worldwide.

During the last decades, ecological buildings and complexes have been developed by Schömer Consultant. The company has designed, among others, apartment-office buildings, where the energy of the offices is used to heat the apartments. By this method, down to +-0ºC the apartments are heated by the energy recycled from the offices.

The list of the plans and buildings designed by the Schömer Architects is very long, here are some examples:

Architect Martin Schömer (1830-1909) designed the Diocesan church in Klosterneuburg, Austria .

Architect Franz Schömer (1856-1918) was the architect in charge of the Parliament building in Budapest.

Architect Ervin Schömer (1908-1971) designed the first modern building under the communist era of Hungary, County Szeged's Administration building.


Architect Göran Ervin Schömer has designed housing in Sweden, the cardboard factory in Skoghall, Sweden (460.0x86,0x22,0 meters), ecological apartment-office buildings and also planned the rebuilding of a skyscraper in New York City.

However, The Theory of the Production of Architectural Space is the most important work published by the Schömer architects.

For further information about economic building systems and architectural services, please contact Ervin G Schömer on

e-mail: info@arch-es.se